Rupalee Scissors

I had my first Sunday off in a long time this past weekend.  Which totally came in handy because I spent most of Saturday deep cleaning and organizing the apartment.  No, I don’t normally (willingly) subject myself to 5 straight hours of labour on a Saturday morning.  The reason for the major clean up was that my friend Heather dropped by to take photos of my apartment for a house tour-type assignment she has.  Despite the lack of natural light on that stormy afternoon, I know she did a stellar job and I can’t wait to view the photos, which I will share on Superfora too.

In the meantime, I’m going to briefly tell you about some gorgeous handcrafted scissors I recently picked up at much&little on Main Street.   They are produced by a company called rupalee, founded in India in 1996.  According to their website, rupalee employs female artisans from villages in India and provides these women with fair compensation as well as education and training.  The handmade apparel and home accessories the talented women produce for rupalee enable them to become financially-empowered skilled artisans.

The scissors are beautiful in both appearance and function.  I am obsessed with their heaviness, the Indian writing on the blade and the vintage feel the scuffed gold handle emanates.

(Red drawing by Rebecca fin Simonetti)

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