DIY Decor

Inspired by Sandra’s wallpaper post yesterday, I decide to continue the theme of DIY home décor with a post of my own. Ok, the ideas are not my own, but I’ve compiled a few of my favourites:

1. Find furniture for cheap on Craigslist and give it a face-lift with a bit of paint.

Lining the drawers with pretty wrapping paper is also a nice touch (and helps you get over any icky feelings about keeping you panties where someone else might have kept their pet spider).

(Courtesy of

2. Recreate your own 17th century still life painting.

Not too many people can afford fine art like this Osias Beert original….

So why not recreate your own? Better yet, make it in 3D!

(Image courtesy of

I think this is a gorgeous yet humorous concept that can really boost any foyer and you won’t have to pull a Thomas Crown Affair to get it.

3. Turn your junk into décor.

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. I love the idea of repurposing run-down, defunct objects for home décor. I pass by this bike on my way home almost every day on the 10th and Columbia block and it always makes me smile.

I’d love to see your best trash into treasure makeovers so send them my way!